Kirkstall Ltd
3 Aspen Court
Centurion Business Park
S60 1FB
+ 44 (0) 1709 361 241
Saving Lives through Better ScienceTM
Our mission statement: “Saving Lives through Better Science” reflects our commitment to building more accurate and reliable predictive models of human physiology without the use of animals.
Kirkstall is a biotechnology company that was founded in November 2006 by Dr J Malcolm Wilkinson and is now based in Rotherham, UK, in an area with a strong manufacturing base and transport links.
The company has an exclusive world-wide licence to patented cell culture technology from the University of Pisa (Italy). The technology is the outcome of over 10 years of research by an interdisciplinary research team in Pisa. Kirkstall has developed this research into a commercially available inter-connected cell culture system, which can be set up so that it mimics the human metabolism, resulting in high quality, rather than just high throughput screening.
The system, now known as Quasi Vivo®, is commercially available and used by leading researchers in over 70 academic and industry labs worldwide. It has been proven to provide research data significantly closer to clinical data than the conventional static models, which as users continue to grow, will reduce and eventually replace animal research.